Tips for Long Term Local SEO Success

by DJ Shirley | Updated Nov 9, 2021

We know that the world of SEO is constantly changing and that the strategies you use today will most likely not have the same impact a year from now. However, there are some tactics that remain relevant and effective. Below are some tips for long term success for local SEO:

Tip #1: Profile Optimization

Obviously, optimizing your profile for local search is a critical step in local SEO. You want to have a strong foundation on which to grow your business. Before you jump into creating your unique content, you must ensure that your online presence is solid. Using your Google+ local listing can do just that. A strong Google+/Local listing profile helps you gain visibility and attract potential customers for local SEO.

Google+ Local isn't complicated to set up but you must be sure your listing isn't owned by someone else and that there aren't duplicate listings. Be sure you provide as much accurate information as you can and select the best categories to improve your visibility in local search. Also, do not stuff your business name with keywords and location names, and make sure to follow Google's guidelines. Your Google Places listing should be linked to your Google+ Local listing to enable social features. Newly created listings automatically connect but older listings do not.

Tip #2: Blog Posts & Geo-Targeted Landing Pages


Ranking well in search for multiple locations is vital for local SEO success. In order to communicate this to the search engines, you can build out landing pages for all the locations and services your business provides. Be sure to make your content as unique as possible on each page and use location terms as much as possible. This means using names of cities, zip codes, state, etc. and making sure they are present in the title and meta description of the pages.

Your content should also include a range Google can give to those searching for a specific thing, using the "Hummingbird" algorithm (see Organik SEO's blog post). Think about what FAQs your customers ask you and address anything that confuses them. Check out your competitors and see what FAQ content they are publishing. Another great way to optimize your local SEO is to create blog posts on specific topics or questions. Other tips for blog posts:

  • Geo-tag your images
  • Add contact details or a contact form so users can easily find you
  • Display physical details on all of your landing pages
  • Sprinkle your pages with happy testimonials from clients and customers

local-seo-success-tipsTip #3: The Power of Reviews

Reviews have a strong influence and can help a business attract and win new customers. A recent survey from the Local Consumer Review Survey found some interesting findings:

  • 85% of consumers read online reviews and use them to determine if a business is good
  • 75% say they trust a business more if the online reviews are favorable
  • 79% say they trust personal recommendations just as much as online reviews
  • 65% of those surveyed say they are more likely to use a business that has positive online reviews

Positive reviews for local SEO are a powerful tool and can boost your visibility in local search. They can also help convert search views and clicks into solid leads.

Tip #4: Creating a Social Strategy

It is becoming clear that social signals will soon replace links as the key indicator of authority and popularity for search engines. Google is tightening the reigns more and more on link-building strategies such as paid links, guest blogging and article sites. It is important to now use various social platforms to build your network of connections and expand your local SEO reach. Don't just rely on one social platform to reach out to your customers and potential clients. There are immense benefits to having more tweets, shares and likes and the power of all the social platforms combined should be considered for overall campaign success.

If you found this information helpful, be sure to check out our post “Why Local Businesses Should Care About Twitter's New Nearby Feature”. The Organik SEO team is passionate about helping businesses grow by tapping into the power of social media and SEO. To discuss how we can help you grow your business, contact us today!

