The Digitopia Blog

How to Leverage SEO in Blog Content | Grow Your Company's Exposure

Written by DJ Shirley | Jun 27, 2019

Having a blog on your website can be one of the most powerful marketing tools you have at your disposal. But, in order for it to be effective, you have to make sure it is going to get in front of the right audience. A fundamental aspect to creating a strong blog is having a solid SEO strategy in place. 

This article will discuss useful tips for using SEO and keywords in your blog posts that can increase your search engine visibility, drive more traffic to your site, and generate more leads.

Utilizing SEO keywords in your blog posts can ensure relevance to your audience. There are, however, many misconceptions about the correct way to execute keyword research for SEO.

Let's dive in. 

Back in the old days of SEO, the phrase "on-page optimization" only meant keyword replacement. Search engines worked best when they picked up certain keywords in locations of the HTML code. This helped indicate the page's relevance for that query. But with the advanced algorithms used by Google and Bing nowadays, all that has changed.

Here are a few tips to help you navigate how to leverage SEO in your content. 

Starting Out

First and foremost, you need to start with keyword-rich topics. Remember that each and every blog post you write becomes another web page. These web pages are a great opportunity to rank for a specific search that your target customer might be doing right now. Good content will continue to attract visitors to your blog or site for years to come, and those visits can translate into sales for your company.

Finding SEO Keywords

The Google Keyword Tool Ubersuggest is a valuable website that helps you find keywords and phrases that are high on Google's ranking. This is a great SEO tool to help with your blog post writing. Using Google's Ubersuggest will help you with:

-keyword searches

-key phrase searches

-using keyword planner to see which keyword/phrase will be best to use in your content writing for your blog

-SEO help

-develop a strategy for your next blog post

-Help alleviate writer's block

The Next Step

Obviously, simply creating a list of keywords isn't enough when using SEO for your blog posts. So what do you do with these keywords and key phrases once you have them? You want to include relevant keywords in a number of prominent areas in your blog article.

Include keywords and key phrases in your title, in the body of the text of your pages, your URLs, Meta tags, and your image file names. In short, you want to create a precise focus with your content optimization efforts.

Grouping and Organizing

By dividing and managing your keywords into small groups of related keywords, you enable the creation of targeted and specific pages. Be aware that keyword relevance is more important than keyword density in SEO for blog post writing.

Optimizing Your Blog Post

Choosing how to optimize your blog post is the key to a successful ranking. Modern day SEO is all about juggling the different priorities. Try and create a page that is valuable and uniquely useful to your targeted searchers. If possible, make your blog post easy to share and with easy links. Try to balance keyword targeting with the experience of the user and its usability (but don't forget critical elements such as page titles, headlines, etc. that was referenced in "The Next Step" section).

A perfectly optimized page doesn't really exist, but using these tips for SEO help with blog post writing will produce a strong and useful page for your target customers.

Digitopia is passionate about helping businesses grow by tapping into the power of social media and SEO. To discuss how we can help you grow your business, contact us today!