The Digitopia Blog

How To Use Facebook Messenger and Chatbots In Your Marketing Strategy

Written by Catherine Tricker | Dec 27, 2019

Facebook Messenger has quickly been established as a core tactic in social media marketing ecosystem. And with the engagement rates, it is no surprise why.

Compared to email marketing’s average 20% open rate and 5% click-through rate, Facebook Messenger boasts an average 70-80% open rate and 20% click-through rate.

We know what you’re thinking, “How can I get these results, too?!”

Let’s dive in.

Integrating Facebook Messenger Marketing and Chatbots

With 1.4 billion active users, Facebook Messenger is a conversation channel, allowing marketers to have one-to-one communication with individuals at scale. Conceptually, this may seem similar to email marketing; however, when done right, Messenger marketing can be more interactive, conversational, and instantaneous.

So how do you succeed with Messenger marketing? After all, you can’t be online 24 hours a day, and you might not have a full team to respond to questions.

A key component of successful Messenger marketing is chatbots. Chatbots can answer basic questions and start the conversation when you or your team aren't available.

Chatbots can easily be customized and integrated with Facebook Pages and Facebook Ads to amplify your business’s marketing efforts. In fact, a well-designed chatbot can systematically guide your prospects through your marketing funnel with automated messages that spark conversation, answer questions, deliver value-filled resources, and even set up sales calls.

Let’s take a look at three ways a chatbot-driven Messenger marketing strategy can be leveraged in your business.

1. Manage Customer Communication With Automated Messages in Facebook Messenger

Research has found people prefer to message rather than call. This holds true for getting in contact with businesses and customer service teams. Using a Chatbot with Facebook Messenger is an efficient way to manage your customer communication and ensure every customer is responded to in a timely manner.

Think about common questions your customers might have. By developing what Facebook calls a welcome screen, the first thing people see when they encounter your chatbot on Messenger, your business can greet users and address common questions with answers right away.

Source: Facebook

When customer inquiries go beyond common questions, the chatbot can be used to set expectations on when a customer can expect a response.

In an age where customers expect an immediate response, chatbots are an efficient and effective strategy to manage your customer communication, address customer concerns and questions, and set expectations so customers are never left in the dark.

2. Drive More Conversations With Click-to-Messenger Ads in Facebook Messenger

One-on-one communication is the fastest way to guide a user through your marketing funnel. Your business can drive more conversations with Click-to-Messenger ads and chatbots.

Source: Facebook

Your business can create Click-to-Messenger ads by selecting the “Message” or “Conversion” ad objective when setting up a Facebook ad campaign.

The call-to-action on these Facebook ads will drive users to “Send Message”. By integrating a chatbot with Click-to-Messenger ads, you can automate the one-on-one conversation.

You might be wondering how you can keep up with all the conversations these ads will generate. Great question! Your business will need to develop a preset sequence of questions and answer options to guide users through the conversation.

It's important to consider what questions or needs users will ask of your business as well as how users will respond to messages, replies, and initial ad copy. By knowing what to expect from users, you can tailor your ad copy and chatbot messages to your audience.

Impactful chatbot messages will resonate with users and drive your prospects to continue the conversation and take the desired end-action.

3. Re-engage Audiences With Sponsored Messages in Facebook Messenger

Sponsored Messages are an effective method for re-engaging audiences at scale.

Source: Facebook

A Sponsored Message is a type of advertisement sent directly to brand-aware users in the form of a Facebook message. Your business can send sponsored messages to re-engage interested prospects and deliver promotional or non-promotional content directly to peoples' inboxes. To send a Sponsored Message, you need to create an ad campaign using the “Messages” ad objective, selecting the message destination as Messenger.

Sponsored Messages allow your business to reach large audiences with semi-personalized messages, and help keep your brand and products top-of-mind for interested prospects.

Businesses that find the most success with Sponsored Messages use this method as a second touchpoint for new customers or a follow-up with current customers to share new products or current promotions.

Introducing Facebook Messenger and a chatbot to your social marketing strategy will increase the number of one-on-one conversation your business can have with your potential customers or clients, and they allow you to scale your marketing efforts.

Chatbots and Messenger marketing are just two tactics you can take to reach your potential customer. Want to see how to leverage these as part of a holistic, relationship-driven marketing plan?

Download the Digital Utopia Methodology Blueprint now to start building a plan for growth and client acquisition.